6/20/24. Wanna Know What’s Up With Me?

My little niece Sadie has an internship with the Brooklyn DA and since she’s from Annapolis she’s staying with me for the summer.

This has good and bad things about it.

The good:

Anyone who has Sadie living with them is so lucky. Number one you almost never see her because she’s out with her friends.

Number two the few times you do she empties your dishwasher. Walks your dog. Takes out the recyclables and throws away the old things in your refrigerator

She’s a delight.


She’s very neat which is making me be neater than I chose to be.

I don’t like to be neat.

The other day she was having some friends over.

Before they arrived she comes into my room where I’m happily watching a Housewife reunion and asked me if I’d mind if she cleaned the kitchen before her friends came over. I got the hint and cleaned it myself and she said “Nice job”.

I even put on make up before they came so as not to embarrass her.

So I complain to my nephew, her father.

“If she empties the dishwasher one more time she’s outta here!! (I usually use the dried dishes until I run out.)

THEN look at this!

This is my livingroom.

If my maid came in today she’s assume I was dead.

Speaking of Housewives, and I was, I notice that in all cities whenever they see each other they tell each other how great they look. EVERY SINGLE TIME!

So I was thinking, maybe my friend Susan isn’t so great after all.

I don’t remember the last time she greeted me with “Nice Black Lives Matter shirt” or more recently “Nice Biden shirt”.

You can learn a lot from these ladies.

And here’s your zen

(The kid also keeps taking cute pictures of my dog)

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