
I’m Mattie, a nice Jewish girl from the Bronx. I first met Dave, a jazz musician, in 1965 on a student tour of Europe when I was 21 and he was 23.

After a 9 year friendship turned to love, we married in 1975.

Dave’s career flourished and we became known as sort of a “mom and pop” unit in the music business.

He became a huge star in Japan and toured there a few times a year.

I handled the business part, wrote his lyrics and he wrote the music.

We had, I thought a pretty good marriage and partnership until one morning, 36 years later, while I was making him eggs, he told me he was in love with a Japanese woman and dumped me.

I was 67 and never saw it coming.

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13 thoughts on “About

  1. You’re officially my second favorite person within three years of seventy now. My Mom stays at number one. You’ll just have to deal with it. I’m rooting for ya, and this is now one of my home pages (so I can get my updates as soon as I open my browser).

    • I don’t know why I’m taking so long to write back to you. I’m learning more about this blogging thing every day. I just want to say I so appreciate your comment. Thank you.

  2. I was doing a google search on “neighbors who are Buddhists, porcelain bowls, the garden, urinating outside”, and your blog popped up first in line. Love it. Beautiful writing and so funny. They say New York is a big place but I used to know a guy from there named Rob Sacks. Know him? Keep going!

    Charlie Hopkins

  3. Just discovered your blog and love it. I especially love how your ex will never rate a capital letter again. I am so stealing that.

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